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DIY Guide To Keeping Pests Away For Your Memorial Day Cookout

Here comes Memorial Day with cookouts and maybe trips to the shore. A great way to celebrate and honor Memorial Day is to enjoy the outdoors with family and friends. However, bees, flies, and Mosquitoes are now emerging and can quickly turn your gathering into an unpleasant experience. To ensure a pest-free outdoor experience for your family, follow this do-it-yourself guide that provides some effective methods for keeping pests away.

Prepare the Area:
Before your cookout or outdoor gathering, take some time to prepare the outdoor area properly. Remove any standing water sources, such as birdbaths or clogged gutters, as they attract mosquitoes. Trim back bushes and cut tall grass, as these can harbor ticks and other insects. Clear away debris, such as fallen leaves and logs, as they provide hiding places for pests.

Create a Protective Barrier:
One effective way to keep pests away is by creating a protective barrier around your cookout area. Consider using citronella candles, mosquito coils, or torches with citronella oil. Citronella is a natural insect repellent that can help repel mosquitoes and other flying insects. Place these items strategically around the perimeter of the cookout area to create a barrier of protection.

Utilize Natural Repellents:
Several natural repellents can be used to deter pests from your outdoor area. Some examples include:

Essential Oils: Citronella, lemongrass, lavender, and eucalyptus essential oils are known for their insect-repellent properties. Dilute a few drops in water and spray the mixture around your cookout area. Additionally, you can place cotton balls soaked in these oils near seating areas. These oils are available on Amazon.

Herbs and Plants: Planting pest-repelling herbs and plants around your outdoor space can provide additional protection. Consider growing basil, mint, rosemary, or marigold flowers, as they naturally repel insects.

Keep Food Covered:
One of the biggest attractions for pests at a cookout is the food. To prevent insects from swarming around your food, make sure to keep it covered at all times. Use mesh food covers or domes to create a barrier between the food and pests. This will also help protect against flies and other insects that can spread germs.

Clean Up Regularly:
Regular cleaning during your cookout is essential to deter pests. Dispose of garbage promptly and secure it in tightly sealed containers. Wipe down tables and surfaces regularly to remove any food residue that might attract insects. Keep an eye out for spills and clean them up immediately.

Provide Insect-Repellent Options for Guests:
To ensure your guests have a pleasant experience, consider providing insect repellent options. Place a basket filled with mosquito repellent sprays, wipes, or lotions near the entrance of your cookout area. This way, everyone can protect themselves from pesky insects.

Use Fans or Smoke:
Another effective way to deter pests is by using fans or creating smoke around your cookout area. Flying insects like mosquitoes are not strong fliers, so a gentle breeze from fans can help keep them away. Position fans strategically to create airflow and discourage insects from approaching. Alternatively, you can create smoke by using a charcoal grill or placing specific herbs like sage or rosemary on the grill. The smoke acts as a natural deterrent for mosquitoes and flies.

Set up Bug Zappers:
Bug zappers can be an excellent addition to your pest control strategy. These devices attract insects with UV light and then electrocute them. Set up bug zappers in areas away from the main gathering to draw insects away from your cookout area. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions and place the bug zappers at a safe distance from guests to avoid any accidents.

Provide Pet-Friendly Protection:
If you have pets attending your cookout, it's crucial to consider their protection against pests as well. Fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes can cause discomfort and health issues for your furry friends. Ensure your pets are up to date with their flea and tick preventatives and consider using pet-friendly insect repellents. Create a designated area for your pets away from the cooking and dining area to minimize the chances of pests bothering them.

Seek Out Evans Pest Control For Advice And Help:
In severe cases where pests persist despite your best efforts, it may be necessary to call Evans Pest Control for assistance. Evans Pest Control professionals have the knowledge and tools to identify and treat specific pest problems effectively. They can provide targeted solutions and treatments to ensure a pest-free environment for your cookout.

By following these DIY methods, you can keep pests at bay and ensure a pleasant Memorial Day cookout for you and your guests. Remember to prepare the area, create a protective barrier, utilize natural repellents, keep food covered, clean up regularly, and provide insect-repellent options. Remember to use fans or smoke to deter pests, set up bug zappers away from the main gathering, provide pet-friendly protection, and seek professional help if needed. With these strategies in place, you can confidently host a pest-free event and celebrate the holiday with your loved ones. We hope everyone has a happy Memorial Day!

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