Tick Control In Philadelphia
Commercial And Residential Tick Control
Evans Pest Control Provides Effective Treatment For The Elimination Of Ticks
Years of experienced detail oriented services by our highly trained staff, the right equipment, dedication, and professional service makes Evans Pest Control one of the most reliable, and efficient tick exterminators in Philadelphia.
Recognizing Ticks
Unengorged adults are about 1/8" long, but can grow up to about 1/2" long when engorged with blood. The tick's body is flattened. Reddish in color, but when engorged, engorged parts of body change to slate gray or greenish. The male may have tiny pits scattered over it's back. A Scutum presents which covers the male’s entire back but only front part of female’s back. The tick's eyes are on the margin of scutum. The mouth parts are visible from above; basis capituli (base for mouthparts) laterally produced/angular, not straight; 2nd segment of palpi about as long as wide. Abdominal festoons (rectangular areas divided by grooves along posterior margin) present; anal groove present, posterior to anus.
Tick Habits
The brown dog tick does not do well outdoors in the woods in the United States. They prefer warm, dry conditions where dogs live. They do not travel far after engorgement and dropping off the host. They typically move upward, a behavior that promotes host encounters. Brown dog ticks may attach themselves anywhere on a dog. The adults typically attach on the ears and between the toes, but the larvae (seed ticks) and nymphs typically attach on the back.
Brown dog ticks are unusual among ticks in that they can complete their entire life cycle indoors. This indoor habit means that they can and have established populations in colder climates.
Landscaping Techniques That May Reduce Ticks
Some landscaping techniques that can help reduce tick populations: Remove leaf litter, clear tall grasses and brush around homes and at the edge of lawns. Place a 3-ft wide barrier of wood chips or gravel between lawns and wooded areas to restrict tick migration into recreational areas.
How Long To Ticks Live
Ticks, when inside, are not likely to survive more than 24 hours. Ticks on wet clothing can survive up to 4 days. Ticks that have fed may survive a bit longer but not the time it takes to mature and bite again or lay eggs.
Dry Out Ticks
Heat kills them, but it's also the dryness. Ticks need a moist environment to survive and will dry out and die in dry conditions. A spin in the dryer usually will kill them.
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