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The Evans Pest Control Pest Files

December 07, 2023

The Prestigious Philly Favorites Award

We are thrilled to announce that Evans Pest Control has been nominated for the prestigious Philly Favorites Award, in collaboration with the...

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November 09, 2023

Why Do I Have Roaches And How Do I Get Rid Of Them

Discover the reasons behind roach infestations and effective strategies to eliminate them. Uncover the secrets to a roach-free home


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October 21, 2023

Tales Of Terrifying Trespassers - Happy Halloween

Tales of Terrifying Trespassers: Halloween Horrors Unleashed

Halloween is just around the corner, and while ghosts and ghouls...

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October 18, 2023

Fall Pest Prevention

Fall Pest Prevention: Preparing Your Property to Ward Off Rodents And Other Pests

As the summer days give way to the cooler...

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October 11, 2023

Understanding The Life Cycle Of Bed Bugs

Understanding The Life Cycle Of Bed Bugs
Bed bugs have long been a health problem, and nuisance in households worldwide. Understanding...

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September 17, 2023

Avoid Termite Damage

Top 10 Tips To Avoid Termite Damage

Evans Pest Control sees property damage due to Termites every day. Termite infestations cause significant...

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September 08, 2023

The Tarantula Hawk – Experts agree that the best way to handle the sting of the tarantula hawk is to lay down and scream.

The Tarantula Hawk – Experts agree that the best way to handle the sting of the tarantula hawk is to lay down and scream.


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August 25, 2023

Ticks & Fleas - The Backyard Menaces: Protecting Your Outdoor Area

Ticks and fleas are not just minor irritations – they are potential carriers of diseases that can affect both humans and animals. Evans...

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August 14, 2023

The Importance Of Termite Inspections

Safeguarding Your Property And Peace Of Mind

Discover the significance of termite inspections in maintaining the integrity of your...

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