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Be On The Lookout For The Spotted Lanternfly
Be On The Lookout For The Spotted Lanternfly
Here we are again. The Spotted Lanternfly is becoming apparent throughout Philadelphia, and the Delaware Valley. The pest insect in the order of (Hemiptera) is a true bug, not a fly. The Spotted Lanternfly looks to be of foreign origin, and it is. The Spotted Lanternfly is native to China and is considered an invasive species. The insect was first noticed here in 2014, not too far from here, in Berks County, and has since spread to multiple counties which are now quarantined. The way this bug feeds can seriously damage the trees it is feeding upon.
You may notice, in July as the adults become more apparent, and frenzied feeding of these bugs in mass at the base of the trunks of trees in your backyard or around the neighborhood.
It is important to spot this invasive pest. The Spotted Lanternfly is not friendly, and not from these parts, they damage trees and upset the natural balance.
If you see a spotted lanternfly, it's imperative to immediately report it online or via phone by calling 1-888-4BADFLY, and call Evans Pest Control at (267) 582-2687

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