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Facts About Bed Bugs You Should Know
1. A clean home doesn't mean you don't have bed bugs.
2. Bed bugs can live anywhere
3. They are not usually dangerous
4. Adult bed bugs can live up to 14 months without feeding
5. Females need first blood meal to lay eggs
6. Nymphs live 5 months without blood meal
7. Each adult female produces about one egg per day
Note: each bed bug egg takes 10 days to hatch and another 5 to 6 weeks to go from offspring to adult.
What to do ?
• In order to prevent the spreading of the problem to other areas there are procedures that must be observed.
• Do not remove any bedding or other items to another room in an effort to relieve yourself of the problem.
• This may very well cause the spread of the problem to another area.
• Until the problem is identified and solved all precautions should be taken to ensure that the problem remains isolated so it may be adequately treated and solved.
• Another issue is to remain calm and not start a panic.
• It normally takes months for a severe infestation to spread to other rooms within the same general area.
• The probability that it has spread is very minimal.
• Have Evans Pest Control evaluate the situation and determine if there is indication that additional inspection and/or treatment is necessary.

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