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Mice Are On The Move This Fall And Winter
If you have not dealt with a mouse infestation during the fall months, it is almost certain that you know someone who has. Every autumn, it feels like every homeowner suddenly must deal with a rodent plague. You’ll see mice everywhere, at all times of day and night and unfortunately, all over your home, too! This sudden furry invasion begs the question:
• Where did all these mice come from?
• Why are they suddenly so active and so determined to get inside your home?
• Why does it feel like they’re targeting your home, specifically?
• Here’s everything you need to know about the mouse menace this fall, and how to keep it away.
As temperatures drop, rodents are drawn to sources of heat and potential food. Undoubtedly, they will find very creative ways to enter your home: through cracks in walls, open windows or doors, vents, pipes, you name it and they will try it!
3 reasons why mice get in your home
1. You haven’t kept up with landscaping chores
Keeping plants very close to your house, and not raking up leaves that pile against the foundation is an open invitation to small rodents. They can hide in the vegetation while searching for an opening and you may never notice them. Instead, keep plants and accumulated leaves at least 2 feet away from your home, trim weeds and never allow debris to collect against the house.
2. You haven’t prepared your house for the cool weather
If you have not inspected weather-stripping, cracks, and other areas of weakness, then you have opened your home to wayward rodents. Make sure you seal any cracks around windows and doors, even checking where you may have repaired last season – weather-stripping and caulking are known to crack with temperature fluctuations.
3. You haven’t rodent-proofed your exterior
If you’re not checking the exterior of your home for weaknesses, then mice may be able to crawl right into your home. Have you had any home repairs or installations? Check to see if holes around cable wires or plumbing have been properly sealed. Rodents are known to crawl up sewage pipes and plumbing, so seal off around the areas where these pipes enter your home. Additionally, if you have outdoor vents or intend to keep any windows open; fit them with screens to keep mice out.
If you experience an influx of mice around the home, call the experts at Evans Pest Control (267)582-2687 and schedule an inspection today!

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