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Spring In Philadelphia - Here Comes The Mosquitoes

Spring in Philadelphia! There are great parks to walk, cookouts to have, fixing a nice yard, and some lawn mowing to do maybe. There are a lot of great outdoor activities to enjoy in Philadelphia this Spring, but one Spring activity nobody likes is getting bit by mosquitoes and flying outdoor pests. Along with Mosquitoes, Philadelphia has a big problem with Flies and other flying pests, but that is our next story. For now, here are a few ways you can avoid Mosquitoes this Spring.

Top Tips for Preventing Mosquito Bites this Spring:

• Keep them out of the house. We get a lot of calls when flying pests are indoors, and this can happen quickly when doors and windows are left open, even for a short time. Having good screens on your windows, and making sure trash is away from open windows or other entry points will help keep your indoor environment free from pests.
• The morning and the evening. Mosquitoes are least active during the hotter afternoon temperatures when the sun is high in the sky. Pests like Mosquitoes are much more active in the morning and evening when there is some shade.
• Mosquitoes are found near open pools of water and a lot of shade. Try to minimize or stay away from these areas.
• How about a fan in the backyard during your cookout? Moving air can keep Mosquitoes away, if the fan moves a lot of air, fans can be effective.
• Give Mosquitoes less skin to bite on. In active areas, and when the evening arrives with biting pests like Mosquitoes, try a long sleeve shirt, and long pants.
• Use a spray on repellent. We recommend something that has 20% DEET in it.
• If you don’t want chemicals on your skin, consider spraying the DEET repellent on your clothing. Natural alternative like a repellent with oil of lemon eucalyptus or citronella can be effective and are safe to use.
• Citronella candles are moderately effective at repelling Mosquitoes, but only in the immediate area, so they can be good at a small barbeque if you have enough candles.
• You can wear light-colored, no pattern clothes to make it harder for Mosquitoes to track you – this is true. Blend in to avoid flying pests from locking on to you. Mosquitoes find it hard to follow you if you blend into the surroundings.

Mosquitoes are an inevitable part of Spring, and these pests can be more than just an annoyance. They can carry many transmittable illnesses. Protect yourself when you go out and consider Mosquito misting and pest control services from your trusted local pest control, Evans Pest Control. Evans Pest control can help reduce Mosquitoes in your backyard. Fewer Mosquitoes mean fewer bites. Fewer Mosquito bites makes Spring fun! 

Call Evans Pest Control And Talk To Someone That Can Help (267) 582-2687

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