
Terms and Conditions

Evans Pest Control Terms of Service and Conditions

Terms And Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to the use of this website (the “Website”). Please read these terms and conditions carefully. Your use of the Website is confirmation that you have understood and agreed to be bound by all of these terms and conditions. Evans Pest Control may suspend your use of this site immediately if you do not comply with these terms and conditions.

The Website is communicated by and is the property of Evans Pest Control and all the material on this Website is subject to copyright with all rights reserved.

No Offer

The Website is for informational purpose only. Nothing contained on this Website should be construed as an offer. The information on the Website, including all opinions or other content, is for information purposes only.


No warranty, condition, undertaking, or term, other than expressed or implied, is given that the information or opinions contained in this Website are accurate or complete as to the appropriateness of the content of the Website for any use which the recipient may choose to make of it. The information published on the Website is provided as a convenience to visitors and should be used for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. If you require additional information, you should contact appropriate Evans Pest Control personnel.

Changes To Terms

Changes are periodically made to the information on the Website and to these terms and conditions and these changes will be incorporated in new editions of this site. Evans Pest Control reserves the right to alter or amend any info set out in the Website and these terms and conditions without notice. If you use the Website after Evans Pest Control has posted the change, you will be bound by the new terms. You should therefore ensure that read the terms and conditions each time you use the Website.

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